StochHMM  v0.34
Flexible Hidden Markov Model C++ Library and Application
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1 //
2 // forward_viterbi.cpp
3 // StochHMM
4 //
5 // Created by Paul Lott on 2/4/13.
6 // Copyright (c) 2013 Korf Lab, Genome Center, UC Davis, Davis, CA. All rights reserved.
7 //
9 #include "trellis.h"
11 namespace StochHMM {
13 //
14 // void trellis::forward_viterbi(StochHMM::model* h , StochHMM::sequences *sqs){
15 // //Initialize the table
16 // hmm = h;
17 // seqs = sqs;
18 // seq_size = seqs->getLength();
19 // state_size = hmm->state_size();
20 // exDef_defined = seqs->exDefDefined();
21 // }
22 //
23 // void trellis::forward_viterbi(){
24 // if (hmm->isBasic()){
25 // simple_forward_viterbi();
26 // }
27 // else{
28 // fast_complex_forward_viterbi();
29 // }
30 // }
31 //
32 //
33 //
34 //
35 // //!
36 // void trellis::simple_forward_viterbi(){
37 //
38 // if (!hmm->isBasic()){
39 // std::cerr << "Model isn't a simple/basic HMM. Use complex algorithms\n";
40 // return;
41 // }
42 //
43 // //Initialize the traceback table
44 // if (traceback_table != NULL || forward_score != NULL){
45 // delete traceback_table;
46 // delete forward_score;
47 // traceback_table = NULL;
48 // forward_score = NULL;
49 // }
50 //
51 // traceback_table = new int_2D(seq_size,std::vector<int16_t> (state_size,-1));
52 // forward_score = new (std::nothrow) float_2D(seq_size, std::vector<float>(state_size,-INFINITY));
53 // scoring_current = new (std::nothrow) std::vector<double> (state_size,-INFINITY);
54 // scoring_previous= new (std::nothrow) std::vector<double> (state_size,-INFINITY);
55 // alt_scoring_current = new (std::nothrow) std::vector<double> (state_size,-INFINITY);
56 // alt_scoring_previous= new (std::nothrow) std::vector<double> (state_size,-INFINITY);
57 //
58 // if (scoring_current == NULL || scoring_previous == NULL ||
59 // alt_scoring_current == NULL || alt_scoring_previous == NULL ||
60 // traceback_table == NULL || forward_score == NULL){
61 // std::cerr << "Can't allocate forward score table. OUT OF MEMORY" << std::endl;
62 // exit(2);
63 // }
64 //
65 // std::bitset<STATE_MAX> next_states;
66 // std::bitset<STATE_MAX> current_states;
67 //
68 // double forward_temp(-INFINITY);
69 // double viterbi_temp(-INFINITY);
70 // double emission(-INFINITY);
71 // bool exDef_position(false);
72 //
73 // state* init = hmm->getInitial();
74 //
75 // std::bitset<STATE_MAX>* initial_to = hmm->getInitialTo();
76 // std::bitset<STATE_MAX>* from_trans(NULL);
77 //
78 //
79 // //Calculate Viterbi and Forward from transitions from INIT (initial) state
80 // for(size_t i = 0; i < state_size; ++i){
81 // if ((*initial_to)[i]){ //if the bitset is set (meaning there is a transition to this state), calculate the viterbi
82 //
83 // forward_temp = (*hmm)[i]->get_emission_prob(*seqs,0) + getTransition(init, i, 0);
84 //
85 //
86 // if (forward_temp > -INFINITY){
87 //
88 // (*forward_score)[0][i] = forward_temp;
89 // (*alt_scoring_current)[i] = forward_temp;
90 // (*scoring_current)[i] = forward_temp;
91 // next_states |= (*(*hmm)[i]->getTo());
92 // }
93 // }
94 // }
95 //
96 //
97 // for(size_t position = 1; position < seq_size ; ++position ){
98 //
99 //
100 // //Swap current and previous viterbi scores
101 // scoring_previous->assign(state_size,-INFINITY);
102 // swap_ptr = scoring_previous;
103 // scoring_previous = scoring_current;
104 // scoring_current = swap_ptr;
105 //
106 // //Swap current and previous viterbi scores
107 // alt_scoring_previous->assign(state_size,-INFINITY);
108 // swap_ptr = alt_scoring_previous;
109 // alt_scoring_previous = alt_scoring_current;
110 // alt_scoring_current = swap_ptr;
111 //
112 // //Swap current_states and next states sets
113 // current_states.reset();
114 // current_states |= next_states;
115 // next_states.reset();
116 //
117 // if (exDef_defined){
118 // exDef_position = seqs->exDefDefined(position);
119 // }
120 //
121 // //Current State
122 // for (size_t current = 0; current < state_size; ++current){ //current state that emits value
123 //
124 // if (!current_states[current]){
125 // continue;
126 // }
127 //
128 // emission = (*hmm)[current]->get_emission_prob(*seqs, position);
129 //
130 // if (exDef_defined && exDef_position){
131 // emission += seqs->getWeight(position, current);
132 // }
133 //
134 // from_trans = (*hmm)[current]->getFrom();
135 //
136 // for (size_t previous = 0; previous < state_size ; ++previous) { //j is previous state
137 //
138 // //Check that previous state has transition to current state
139 // //and that the previous viterbi score is not -INFINITY
140 // if ((*from_trans)[previous] && (*scoring_previous)[previous] != -INFINITY){
141 //
142 // viterbi_temp = getTransition((*hmm)[previous], current , position) + emission;
143 //
144 // forward_temp = viterbi_temp + (*alt_scoring_previous)[previous];
145 // viterbi_temp += (*scoring_previous)[previous];
146 //
147 // if (viterbi_temp > (*scoring_current)[current]){
148 // (*scoring_current)[current] = viterbi_temp;
149 // (*traceback_table)[position][current] = previous;
150 // }
151 //
152 // if ((*alt_scoring_current)[current] == -INFINITY){
153 // (*alt_scoring_current)[current] = forward_temp;
154 // (*forward_score)[position][current] = forward_temp;
155 // }
156 // else{
157 // (*alt_scoring_current)[current] = addLog(forward_temp, (*alt_scoring_current)[current]);
158 // (*forward_score)[position][current] = (*alt_scoring_current)[current]; }
159 //
160 // next_states |= (*(*hmm)[current]->getTo());
161 // }
162 // }
163 // // std::cout << "State: " << current <<"\t" << exp((*forward_score)[position][current]) << std::endl;
164 // }
165 // }
166 //
167 // //Swap current and previous scores
168 // scoring_previous->assign(state_size,-INFINITY);
169 // swap_ptr = scoring_previous;
170 // scoring_previous = scoring_current;
171 // scoring_current = swap_ptr;
172 //
173 // //Swap current and previous scores
174 // alt_scoring_previous->assign(state_size,-INFINITY);
175 // swap_ptr = alt_scoring_previous;
176 // alt_scoring_previous = alt_scoring_current;
177 // alt_scoring_current = swap_ptr;
178 //
179 //
180 // ending_forward_prob = -INFINITY;
181 // for(size_t i = 0; i < state_size ;++i){
182 // //Ending Forward Transition
183 // if ((*alt_scoring_previous)[i] != -INFINITY){
184 // forward_temp = (*alt_scoring_previous)[i] + (*hmm)[i]->getEndTrans();
185 //
186 // if (forward_temp > -INFINITY){
187 // if (ending_forward_prob == -INFINITY){
188 // ending_forward_prob = forward_temp;
189 // }
190 // else{
191 // ending_forward_prob = addLog(ending_forward_prob,forward_temp);
192 // }
193 // }
194 // }
195 //
196 //
197 // //Ending Viterbi Transition
198 // if ((*scoring_previous)[i] > -INFINITY){
199 // viterbi_temp = (*scoring_previous)[i] + (*hmm)[i]->getEndTrans();
200 // if (viterbi_temp > ending_viterbi_score){
201 // ending_viterbi_score = viterbi_temp;
202 // ending_viterbi_tb = i;
203 // }
204 // }
205 //
206 // }
207 //
208 // // std::cout << exp(ending_posterior) << std::endl;
209 // delete scoring_previous;
210 // delete scoring_current;
211 // delete alt_scoring_current;
212 // delete alt_scoring_previous;
213 // scoring_previous = NULL;
214 // scoring_current = NULL;
215 // alt_scoring_current = NULL;
216 // alt_scoring_previous = NULL;
217 // }
221  // void trellis::forward_viterbi(){
222  //
223  // //Initialize the traceback table
224  // if (traceback_table != NULL){
225  // delete traceback_table;
226  // }
227  //
228  // traceback_table = new int_2D(seq_size,std::vector<int16_t> (state_size,1));
229  //
230  // //Storing Viterbi Scores
231  // scoring_previous = new (std::nothrow) std::vector<double> (state_size,-INFINITY);
232  // scoring_current = new (std::nothrow) std::vector<double> (state_size,-INFINITY);
233  //
234  // //Storing Forward Scores
235  // alt_scoring_current = new (std::nothrow) std::vector<double> (state_size,-INFINITY);
236  // alt_scoring_previous = new (std::nothrow) std::vector<double> (state_size,-INFINITY);
237  //
238  //
239  // if (scoring_previous == NULL || scoring_current == NULL || alt_scoring_current == NULL ||
240  // alt_scoring_previous == NULL || traceback_table == NULL){
241  // std::cerr << "Can't allocate Viterbi score and traceback table. OUT OF MEMORY" << std::endl;
242  // exit(2);
243  // }
244  //
245  // std::bitset<STATE_MAX> next_states;
246  // std::bitset<STATE_MAX> current_states;
247  //
248  //
249  //
250  // double forward_temp(-INFINITY);
251  // double emission(-INFINITY);
252  // bool exDef_position(false);
253  //
254  // state* init = hmm->getInitial();
255  // std::bitset<STATE_MAX>* initial_to = hmm->getInitialTo();
256  // std::bitset<STATE_MAX>* from_trans(NULL);
257  //
258  //
259  // // std::cout << "Position: 0" << std::endl;
260  // //Calculate Viterbi from transitions from INIT (initial) state
261  // for(size_t i = 0; i < state_size; ++i){
262  // if ((*initial_to)[i]){ //if the bitset is set (meaning there is a transition to this state), calculate the viterbi
263  //
264  // forward_temp = (*hmm)[i]->get_emission_prob(*seqs,0) + getTransition(init, i, 0);
265  //
266  // if (forward_temp > -INFINITY){
267  //
268  // (*forward_score)[0][i] = forward_temp;
269  // // std::cout << "State: " << i << "\t" << exp(forward_temp) << std::endl;
270  // next_states |= (*(*hmm)[i]->getTo());
271  // }
272  // }
273  // }
274  //
275  // for(size_t position = 1; position < seq_size ; ++position ){
276  //
277  // //Swap current_states and next states sets
278  //
279  // current_states.reset();
280  // current_states |= next_states;
281  // next_states.reset();
282  //
283  // if (exDef_defined){
284  // exDef_position = seqs->exDefDefined(position);
285  // }
286  //
287  // // std::cout << "\nPosition: " << position << std::endl;
288  //
289  // for (size_t i = 0; i < state_size; ++i){ //i is current state that emits value
290  // if (!current_states[i]){
291  // continue;
292  // }
293  //
294  // emission = (*hmm)[i]->get_emission_prob(*seqs, position);
295  //
296  // if (exDef_defined && exDef_position){
297  // emission += seqs->getWeight(position, i);
298  // }
299  //
300  // from_trans = (*hmm)[i]->getFrom();
301  //
302  // for (size_t j = 0; j < state_size ; ++j) { //j is previous state
303  // if (!(*from_trans)[j]){
304  // continue;
305  // }
306  //
307  // if ((*forward_score)[position-1][j] != INFINITY){
308  // forward_temp = getTransition((*hmm)[j], i , position) + emission + (*forward_score)[position-1][j];
309  //
310  // if ((*forward_score)[position][i] == -INFINITY){
311  // (*forward_score)[position][i] = forward_temp;
312  // }
313  // else{
314  // (*forward_score)[position][i] = addLog((double)forward_temp, (double)(*forward_score)[position][i]);
315  // }
316  //
317  // next_states |= (*(*hmm)[i]->getTo());
318  // }
319  // }
320  // // std::cout << "State: " << i <<"\t" << exp((*forward_score)[position][i]) << std::endl;
321  // }
322  //
323  // }
324  //
325  // for(size_t i = 0; i < state_size ;++i){
326  // if ((*forward_score)[seq_size-1][i] > -INFINITY){
327  // forward_temp = (*forward_score)[seq_size-1][i] + (*hmm)[i]->getEndTrans();
328  //
329  // if (forward_temp > -INFINITY){
330  // if (ending_forward_prob == -INFINITY){
331  // ending_forward_prob = forward_temp;
332  // }
333  // else{
334  // ending_forward_prob = addLog(ending_forward_prob,forward_temp);
335  // }
336  // }
337  // }
338  // }
339  // // std::cout << exp(ending_posterior) << std::endl;
340  // }
343 }