Flexible Hidden Markov Model C++ Library and Application
StochHMM | Traceback_path.h |
cell | |
alignment | |
Counter | |
dynamic_bitset | |
bit_ref | |
emm | |
transitionFuncParam | |
emissionFuncParam | |
ExDefSequence | |
ExDef | |
weightDef | |
model | |
models | |
Index | |
lexicalTable | Lexical table stores the log2 probabilities for both emissions and lexical transitions |
stencil | Class stencil: contains individial model template and keeps track of coordinates for replacement |
templates | Class templates: contains a map of all templates |
opt_parameters | |
opt_data | Store the actual command line options data for each option defined by user |
options | Parse, Store, and access commandline options data |
PWM | |
matrixPosition | |
ppTrack | |
seqTracks | |
seqJob | |
sequence | |
sequences | |
sequenceStream | |
simpleTable | |
sparseArray | |
state | |
stateInfo | Contains state information for quick reference between states information |
stochTable | |
stoch_value | |
alt_simple_stochTable | |
stoch_val | |
stringList | Stringlist is an list of strings that contains parsed comments and can be used to split string or remove whitespace from a string |
gff_feature | |
traceback_path | |
multiTraceback | |
ambigCharacter | Define the ambiguous characters symbol and index number for digitizing ambiguous characters in the sequence For example in DNA N = [ACGT] = [0,1,2,3] |
track | |
tracks | |
transition | Transition information for each state |
nthScore | |
nthTrace | |
trellis | |
StateFuncs | (**Adding in log space) |
TrackFuncs | Stores pointer to user functions used to create Real Number Tracks |
weight | Weight class contains scaling factors for external scores |
weights | |
SeqTracks | SeqTracks are used to integrate the information provided by the model with the sequences that are being imported |
stateInfo | |
trainingEmission | |
trainingSeq | |
trainingSeqs | |
Trellis | Implements the HMM scoring trellis and algorithms |